a book blog about reading all of astrid lindgren's books

The biggest thank-you

I don’t know how I would have completed this project if not for the support from:

  • Dad and Mom:
    Thank you for putting up with my ridiculous projects and sending me some surprise books in the mail.  It was fun to have someone to geek out with about the project.  Without you, I would have grown up without knowing Rasmus, Ronia, or Pippi.
  • Peter:
    Your willingness to hunt down some of the rarest books is, really, the only reason I could finish this project.  Eva Visits Noriko-San cannot be purchased, yet you tracked down a copy for me.  Thank you for checking out some of the most ridiculous titles ever to grace your library. This project will always remind me of snowy days spent laughing at Astrid Lindgren’s books while you tried to work on your dissertation.
  • Saltkråkan AB:
    I am so humbled that this project was noticed by you, and even more amazed that you were willing to send me some books to help me complete the project.  Thank you so much for your kindness and generosity, and for all you do for Astrid Lindgren’s works.
  • Hennepin County Library, Attn Westonka Branch:
    I’m grateful that the dozens of books sent to me arrived promptly and in one piece.  Thanks for putting up with all the requests.
  • Colleen:
    Thank you for your assistance in tracking down Scrap and the Pirates.  Your WorldCat knowledge is dangerous.Pippi

The end.

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